We are going out this year--Lidia's. Their menu sounds fantastic. Was not a good year for me to host/cook and my sis felt the same. Oddly, our nephew and great-nephew who we had been led to believe are homeless, have said they are coming. Drugs figure largely into their lives and neither has attended a family dinner in years. They will either no-show or it will be an embarrassing 3-ring circus.
My contributions are, as per usual, cheese & crackers and a 1-pound dark See's assortment.
Oddly, my sister is bringing a Caprese salad. In November. To go with the turkey, roast beef, stuffing, cranberry sauce, etc.
i just remembered that i stopped spatchcocking turkeys when i stopped having ginormous double sinks. sigh. time to build a Dexter style murder room around my single sink.