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Everything posted by Orik

  1. A full month now without a review. I hope he's okay.
  2. Orik

    Frog Club

    When are we doing a mff dinner there?
  3. Orik


    We managed to go there twice and to the sixth street place several times before she went to get her PhD in law. I assume she's living happily ever after with our former dishwasher, a Venezuelan accountant who unfortunately did not make very good arepas.
  4. Orik


    Is this some sort of challenge?
  5. Orik


    Yes definitely a different place in a different neighborhood could have worked.
  6. Orik

    Frog Club

    bāryū and only people who know why will be allowed in.
  7. Thanks! I was running the pass the last couple of nights and I'm glad the kitchen team is strong enough to make up for that. These crabs are exceptional and make the case for boat-to-dish logistics with zero time in holding tanks - bright yellow tomalley, full of delicious sweet meat, and they were happy to drink their wine to make true drunk crab.
  8. For future Mission latings - Taqueria Cancun for lengua, cabeza, sesos tacos
  9. Orik

    Le French Diner

    Could ensaladillas on every menu be far behind?
  10. And you get enough change to buy yourself a small bottle of truffle oil!
  11. For the price of one $40 martini you can buy a bottle of Everclear and a can of olives!
  12. One is made from new potatoes and one from plain old potatoes, it's like comparing the fountain of youth to a regular fountain!
  13. Get the dried fava from Norwich, they are extraordinary.
  14. Orik


    I thought at some point Wells took over another column and said he'd switch to reviewing every other week.
  15. Orik


    You can eat them raw or very gently cooked so they still feel raw.
  16. I guess he really doesn't like expensive tasting menus.
  17. Testing investor patience at the obvious place he hasn't covered yet?
  18. I can see their point about Sakana-ya and O-Sakana being possibly confusing to non-Japanese speakers, but the rest of it seems difficult to support - Wegmans have consultants scout for businesses and products and they may end up choosing a different vendor. Is Osakana really claiming that running a Japanese style fish counter is something Uoriki was unfamiliar with and that Wegmans taught them how to do it using their secrets? eta: I see in the article that he's claiming his Japanese customers were especially confused by the name, I hope he didn't include that claim in his complaint.
  19. Yes, I can think of many things that make the liver work hard (like sugar and beef), but yogurt just isn't very high on the list.
  20. There's almost no lactic acid in milk to begin with. Yogurt usually contains about 1% lactic acid which I'm sure is a major concern for your liver as it's busy processing that 15% alcohol drink.
  21. I wonder if clarified milk cocktails are acceptable.
  22. Seems to be a major concern https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.quora.com/What-happens-when-you-eat-yogurt-after-drinking-beer-alcohol&ved=2ahUKEwiOx4rakbiEAxWukIkEHTtpCUkQFnoECDkQAQ&sqi=2&usg=AOvVaw1QddtHFyIz5FrlVbJsTsWQ
  23. Ouch. There's a huge number of businesses in town that are exposed to the same risk - basically they have an open violation with the dob because they never had an architect sign off on their construction job and are operating under the assumption that nobody will complain. I guess St. Vitus was more of a priority for the dob as (if the complaint is truthful) it also didn't have a place of assembly permit.
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