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Posts posted by Sneakeater

  1. 11 minutes ago, Wilfrid said:

    I’ll put this here rather than in the Barcelona thread because it means a lot to me. How many years ago did I first meet fellow eGullet members in a bar; the Johnsons, Liza, Macrosan.? And I know for sure I was wearing, perhaps pretentiously, a beret from Barcelona. I still have it; it’s over thirty years old.

    I bought it and many subsequent Catalunyan berets from Sombreria Obach in the Barri Gotic. The old guy I bought from died a few years back.

    The store turned 100 this year and I was able to go and congratulate the grandson who is now running it. It was a happy thing to do.

    Of course, I didn’t need another hat because I have 7 or 8 and they never wear out. (See my profile photo.)

    You and Diz.

  2. You kind of wondered if he was going to make it to the end of that performance.

    His Othello of three decades previous -- with Christopher Plummer contributing a life-list Iago -- was more assured.

  3. The LL Cool J piece made me realize how sorry I am The Times dropped its rule that people be referred to as "Mr." or "Ms. X" and not by first names.

    They repeatedly refer to LL Cool J as "LL".  How much cooler would it have been to say "Mr. Cool J"?

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  4. I went to some medical procedure a couple of weeks ago and the nurse was like "OMG there's blood all over your lips and beard" and I was like "no that was a very ripe plumcot".

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  5. On 8/29/2024 at 8:37 AM, maison rustique said:

    Might be a strange place to post this. Not really cheerful, but thankful. My husband finally escaped the hell that is dementia. He passed this morning around 1:30. I'm so happy that he isn't suffering any more.

    I greatly admire that you are unafraid to be relieved.  Best wishes for the future. 

    • Thanks 1
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