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Everything posted by Sneakeater

  1. Since the sentence you were responding to was like a triple negative, I just want to make clear (in case it wasn't) that I agree with you completely.
  2. Robert Plant has said he's now ashamed of those lyrics.
  3. Like the singing. Hate the hamhandedness. Like that they didn’t in the least pretend they weren’t white boys.
  4. You know, for the first time in ages -- I have no idea why -- I pulled out the first Zep album. And you know what? First the first time ever in my life, I kind of enjoyed it. It did get kind of tiresome before it ended, though.
  5. Speaking of, I've got to say that Merle Haggard is so awesomely great it's hard to fathom how great he is. If only he'd gotten past his false consciousness and turned Marxist.
  6. I have to go to the Post Office today. You know what THAT means!
  7. It’s like when my wife and I would go to Sammy’s Romanian and we’d both wake up the next day exuding garlic. It was kind of nice.
  8. As long as you BOTH do, what’s the problem?
  9. Sky Pavilion is an unprepossessing storefront Chinese place across 42nd Street from Port Authority. It's also one of the very best Sichuan restaurants in New York. It needn't bow to anyplace on 39th Street or in Flushing. In fact, I'd rate it above any of the 39th Street places. At least when it opened last year, it had a Famous Sichuan Chef (not famous to me, of course -- I'm only going by what I read). I don't know if he's still there. But his effect is still there. The cooking is amazingly precise. If this isn't the very best frying in New York, for example, it's some of the best. All the technical stuff is like that: right on point. And the menu is interesting: not all stuff you see coming and going. There are not one but two pig brains dishes (the spicy sizzling one is fabulous) (and you can bet I'm going back for the grilled one). Be warned, though: they're not shy with the peppers. Even things you think wouldn't be that spicy are very spicy. I think this place is sensational.
  10. I loves me a Santa Maria BBQ dinner.
  11. If you don't eat meat, I'm not sure why Spam would raise any problems for you.
  12. Was he the best-looking man I've ever seen? Might be.
  13. Sneakeater

    Kabab Cafe

    There was NEVER a poster called foodddabbler. Come on.
  14. "All the Right Reasons" was one of my favorite deep cuts on Beserkley Chartbusters. For all the good it does him now.
  15. Did I know he was Joanne Dru's brother?
  16. Was alive until today?!
  17. Of course I have to throw in a plug for Taqueria Al Pastor, down the street from me.
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