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maison rustique

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Posts posted by maison rustique

  1. I had some things to use up so put Italian sausage, potatoes, tomatoes, onion, olives, soffritto and eggs in a small baking dish. Poured eggs over and sprinkled with cheese. Baked in toaster oven. Still getting the hang of cooking for one.


    May be an image of shepherd's pie and omelet

    • Like 2
  2. It has been a while since I've turned on my Merlin Bird ID app. Yesterday was warm enough that I could be outside for more than 5 seconds, so while I was clearing snow and ice on the deck, I turned it on. So rewarding to hear all my birdie buddies.
    White-breasted Nuthatch
    White-throated Sparrow
    Northern Cardinal
    European Starling (Grrrr!)
    Red-tailed Hawk
    Song Sparrow
    American Robin
    Red-headed Woodpecker
    Blue Jay
    Eastern Bluebird
    Downy Woodpecker
  3. @small h, that salad looks delicious. I love parsley-based salads. I make one occasionally (with sun-dried tomatoes & other stuff), though I seem to like it more than anyone else. And the last few years, the critters and birds ate more of my parsley than I could harvest. Harrumph. 

  4. We have been socked in with ice and snow and frigid temps since the weekend. It isn't warming up soon, so snow isn't budging. Things have been shut down all week. Not a happy camper. I miss SoCal despite the fires. Hollywood and others, please be safe!

  5. Aside from a bit of family drama at the very beginning, our dinner at Lidia's was fantastic. There was entirely too much food. First course was served family style: Caesar salad; a walnut, celery and cheese salad ( I lucked out and got the leftovers); mushroom arancini, beef and pickled veggie toasts; tuna on toast; salami; mortadella ; and bread with a hummus and avocado-something and olive oil. All were wonderful.

    As if that wasn't enough, servers showed up with huge pans of pasta---a rigatoni in Bolognese and butternut squash ravioli in a sage brown butter sauce. The ravioli had a touch of cinnamon and something else slightly sweet in them. Delicious!

    By the time my short rib arrived, I took one bite and left it to get packed up. It is fabulous and I can't wait to have it for supper tonight. Pete had manicotti that looked wonderful, Heidi also had the short rib, my sister Kathy had pork loin that was stuffed with bourbon-soaked prunes and Aaron had salmon that looked lovely.

    They brought 2 trays of desserts--pumpkin cheesecake, various biscotti, tiramisu and candied orange peel. I had a couple of bites of tiramisu, but honestly at this point I was on overload.

    We had a couple of bottles of a very nice red wine (Montepulciano of some sort, though I didn't pay that much attention) and a wonderful time was had by all.

    • Like 1
  6. On 11/16/2024 at 7:36 PM, StephanieL said:

    I made the famous NY Times Crispy Gnocchi With Brussels Sprouts and Brown Butter, and it lived up to the hype.  I followed the recipe to the letter and it all came together really well.  The only change I made was to sprinkle aged Grand Padano on the top rather than Parmesan, simply because that's what I had.  Russian River's Robert Saison to drink.

    Thanks for the recommendation. That sounds delicious!! Going to save the recipe.

  7. There have been water demons in this house from Day 1. I've lost track of the number of serious leaks we've had.


    Have a plumber scheduled for today--badly leaking toilet in the entry bathroom. The mechanisms have been replaced in it so many times and nothing seems to last more than a few months. The whole darned things may need to be replaced. So be it. I'd rather not be making a big investment since I want to be out of this place soon, but I can't be battling water all the damned time.

  8. I'm still not eating much at all. My sis and BIL were here yesterday and we went out for lunch. I had a burger and actually ate half of it. Then, naturally, I wasn't hungry for supper. So, supper was a nuked bag of popcorn (half of it) and a hunk of cheese.

  9. My Medicare provider sends free meals after you've been in the hospital. Just tried one. They arrive fresh but you can freeze for longer storage. I am impressed with the varieties they sent. Just had this one.
    Was it great? No but it wasn't the worst thing ever either. Broccoli was crunchy and flavorful. And it was more than I could eat!
    May be an image of couscous, tofu and fried riceMay be an image of text
  10. Did not take pix, but last night my sis made me meatloaf, mashed taters and roasted baby carrots. It was wonderful to have some real food. I even had a tiny taste of wine, but not much as I think pain pills and wine are frowned upon.

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