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Annoyances (con't)

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On 8/10/2024 at 2:26 PM, splinky said:

banking on your kid to take care of you in your golden years is really a total crap shoot.

My own position: if I become infirm or incapable, a huge support network will kick in. This is not just because I have a daughter, but because of who she is and who her grandmother is. She’s half Dominican and has countless relatives and friends in the five boros. Countless.

And she’s the granddaughter of Felipa Gomez*, which means her father becomes important.

I am not sure how I feel about this, but once I am infirm and incapable I might be grateful.

*Not the long dead Puerto Rican actress, la politica Dominicana.


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I still don't know how I managed that first year in NYC without an AC, especially when the temps hit triple digits.  And because the apartment was just above street level, in the front of the building, we couldn't really keep the windows open when we weren't home or when we were sleeping (no screens on the windows either).

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49 minutes ago, Wilfrid said:

Of course. I am just griping that I got mine installed around the end of the last heatwave which means I could have waited for next year.

Ah, okay. Well, I'm sure it'll get hot again.

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55 minutes ago, StephanieL said:

I still don't know how I managed that first year in NYC without an AC, especially when the temps hit triple digits.  And because the apartment was just above street level, in the front of the building, we couldn't really keep the windows open when we weren't home or when we were sleeping (no screens on the windows either).

I’m on second floor, my apartment for the most part is really well shaded and has great air flow with the windows open. So last two summers no AC, just a few days when it was uncomfortable.

Those three heatwaves we had earlier this year changed my mind. But can we now please have another one? 🥲




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On 8/19/2024 at 3:43 PM, bloviatrix said:

Kid came home from camp as did all the bags. My living room looks like a hurricane blew through And everything has to be taken care of before we leave on Wednesday.

In addition to all the crap, the kid got me sick - while we were away!! Pink eye, congestion, and a deep chesty cough that sounds ghastly. Ain't parenting fun?

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  • 1 month later...

Shlep into the city, get to the office, find out that an area power outage had started 5 minutes before with no end time given by PG&E, shlep back to the burbs, and get a text that power had been restored 10 minutes before I got home.

It wouldn't have bothered me so much if I hadn't already paid for the train and parking.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

There have been water demons in this house from Day 1. I've lost track of the number of serious leaks we've had.


Have a plumber scheduled for today--badly leaking toilet in the entry bathroom. The mechanisms have been replaced in it so many times and nothing seems to last more than a few months. The whole darned things may need to be replaced. So be it. I'd rather not be making a big investment since I want to be out of this place soon, but I can't be battling water all the damned time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not severely annoying, but today felt like a very New York day. Had a bank appointment on 125th. Walked there from 135th (and four cross town blocks) because the C gave up. Streets crazy with people doing last minute shopping. Meeting took 90 mins because the banker had a newbie in training learning from him. By the time I was done it was too late for the library but I didn’t grasp that until I was halfway to the 6 train. Turned back and schlepped to the ABCD stop: all closed down thanks to a water main break. Plodded on until I reached the 1 which, surprise, was hellishly crowded.

Got home to find a massive package, a duplicate of something I had received last week, second one not needed.

Looks like rain all day tomorrow but I will be cooking so that’s fine by me.

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