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Annoyances (con't)

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1 hour ago, MitchW said:

I'm working myself up to this series (I had the old shingles vax a while ago, but know I should get this one).

For me, the 2nd shingles vax was a doozy.  I got very dizzy and nearly fainted when I was in my bathroom, so thank goodness I didn't hit my head on anything.  N got worried and insisted I go to the ER.

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If you are waiting for the new phone due +/- early September, you might want to brave the hell of a visit to the Genius Bar. I had similar problems-including screen issues. For $279  + tax, I got mine repaired in less than 2 hours. If the new release isn’t all that’s expected, I will still come out even (or better) in September when they lower the prices again of the (by then) current latest iPhone.

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3 hours ago, bloviatrix said:

Spouse had to finally replace his phone yesterday. The thing died last week. He took it the genius bar where they [unsuccessfully] attempted to run a diagnostic on it. It was 4.5 years old.

hope they offered him the warranty price replacement. they have total discretion to do that

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FWIW, and probably not much, but a month ago I had such shoulder pain that I couldn't raise my arms above my head, certainly not with any weight strain, like putting dishes away on higher shelves.   Then UC rhumatologist who is treating the pseudo-gout in my hands changed my med to hydroxychloroquine.    Within 2 weeks my hands were noticeably less affected, AND/BUT all shoulder pain was gone.   Knee pain gone.   GONE!      Gremlins?   the gods?

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2 hours ago, voyager said:

FWIW, and probably not much, but a month ago I had such shoulder pain that I couldn't raise my arms above my head, certainly not with any weight strain, like putting dishes away on higher shelves.   Then UC rhumatologist who is treating the pseudo-gout in my hands changed my med to hydroxychloroquine.    Within 2 weeks my hands were noticeably less affected, AND/BUT all shoulder pain was gone.   Knee pain gone.   GONE!      Gremlins?   the gods?

as a bonus you won't have to worry about malaria 

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7 hours ago, voyager said:

FWIW, and probably not much, but a month ago I had such shoulder pain that I couldn't raise my arms above my head, certainly not with any weight strain, like putting dishes away on higher shelves.   Then UC rhumatologist who is treating the pseudo-gout in my hands changed my med to hydroxychloroquine.    Within 2 weeks my hands were noticeably less affected, AND/BUT all shoulder pain was gone.   Knee pain gone.   GONE!      Gremlins?   the gods?

Can I have some of any of the above. Actually 95% pain free today which I’ll take.

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It isnt unusual to prescribe these meds, but they may well be off label for non-malaria issues.  Even the wikipedia-like web sites talk about their use for rheumatoid arthritis.  Lots of potential side effects are noted, so be pretty open with him/her if you note any changes, especially vis a vis eyesight or agitation.  Unfortunately for those of us with other arthritises (is that a word?), these meds dont work.  Meanwhile, congratulations on finding something that works for you.  Must feel great to be relieved of some annoying, painful symptoms.

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16 hours ago, StephanieL said:

In making bublanina, a Czech fruit cake, I broke the cardinal rule of cake batters: do not overmix.  It tastes OK, but it's a little tough and I could just kick myself.

@StephanieL, I Googled and that cake looks great. Is yours a recipe you've made before? Willing to share? It sounds like a great summery dessert or snack cake.

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