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2 hours ago, Wilfrid said:

What happened to the “Indian lady” who drifted from restaurant to restaurant followed slavishly by hounds?

Mina?  The funnier part of that was that she was smart enough to basically rent her reputation by becoming the chef at a place for a couple of weeks, draw the followers, then be "on vacation" or "off today" from that point on, with folks still coming until it became clear that she was not part of the place.  My favorite was the place on 6th St where her "cousin" swore it was her kitchen but she was already at another place in Jackson Hts. (where she did cook for a year or so).  I heard she moved back to India a number of years ago.

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Maybe the worst piece of promotion masking as food writing I have seen. The article doesn't even begin to fulfill the premise of the headline. I can't bring myself to watch the video. 



Also, is Josiah Bartlett really his name???? (West Wing Fans out there?)

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2 hours ago, backyardchef said:

Maybe the worst piece of promotion masking as food writing I have seen. The article doesn't even begin to fulfill the premise of the headline. I can't bring myself to watch the video. 



Also, is Josiah Bartlett really his name???? (West Wing Fans out there?)

so we don't learn the address or if it's any good, but we do learn that he doesn't know what telepathically means. cool, cool

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50 minutes ago, splinky said:

so we don't learn the address or if it's any good, but we do learn that he doesn't know what telepathically means. cool, cool

We also don't learn how they make the most out of their tiny little kitchen and keep the operation efficient other than saying one guy makes the dough and that they mill flour. 

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I hate to be fair to Eater, but that article is designed to do nothing more than promote the video. The video does reflect the promise of the headline (it's quite well made). I don't know why they're coy about the address but it took two second to find: 539 Rogers Ave.

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18 hours ago, Steve R. said:

Mina?  The funnier part of that was that she was smart enough to basically rent her reputation by becoming the chef at a place for a couple of weeks, draw the followers, then be "on vacation" or "off today" from that point on, with folks still coming until it became clear that she was not part of the place.  My favorite was the place on 6th St where her "cousin" swore it was her kitchen but she was already at another place in Jackson Hts. (where she did cook for a year or so).  I heard she moved back to India a number of years ago.

Man, that takes me back.  I did go to her place in Jackson Heights once.

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45 minutes ago, Wilfrid said:

I hate to be fair to Eater, but that article is designed to do nothing more than promote the video. The video does reflect the promise of the headline (it's quite well made). I don't know why they're coy about the address but it took two second to find: 539 Rogers Ave.

I hear you. But....The video (which is only mentioned as an afterthought) doesn't play for me at my desk and is barely mentioned above the huge useless headline and waste of words that follow. Why have an "article" at all when it that makes no effort to add any information worth knowing? 

I don't know why this whole thing wasn't marked as a paid for advertisement since it clearly was. Just another reminder of the putrid state of all the pointless food coverage, "rating" and "reviewing" nonsense. 


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48 minutes ago, StephanieL said:

Man, that takes me back.  I did go to her place in Jackson Heights once.

We managed to go there twice and to the sixth street place several times before she went to get her PhD in law. I assume she's living happily ever after with our former dishwasher, a Venezuelan accountant who unfortunately did not make very good arepas.

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5 hours ago, backyardchef said:

I hear you. But....The video (which is only mentioned as an afterthought) doesn't play for me at my desk and is barely mentioned above the huge useless headline and waste of words that follow. Why have an "article" at all when it that makes no effort to add any information worth knowing? 

I don't know why this whole thing wasn't marked as a paid for advertisement since it clearly was. Just another reminder of the putrid state of all the pointless food coverage, "rating" and "reviewing" nonsense. 



I don’t know about any of that. The video is one of a series of Icon Pizza videos featuring some well known places like Paulie Gee’s. Maybe the joints are paying to be in the series,* most likely Eater is monetizing the videos by putting paid stuff around them.

But outside this particular example it is absolutely standard practice to write these little articles that tease the embedded video to get people to click on the video (whether it plays for you or not). Reminds me, I need to get someone to do one of these for Monday (I’m serious, it’s a job).

*It’s so unlikely, I mean how much does Wizard Hat, we stick the sign in the window every morning, have in it’s paid media budget?

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11 hours ago, Wilfrid said:

I don’t know about any of that. The video is one of a series of Icon Pizza videos featuring some well known places like Paulie Gee’s. Maybe the joints are paying to be in the series,* most likely Eater is monetizing the videos by putting paid stuff around them.

But outside this particular example it is absolutely standard practice to write these little articles that tease the embedded video to get people to click on the video (whether it plays for you or not). Reminds me, I need to get someone to do one of these for Monday (I’m serious, it’s a job).

*It’s so unlikely, I mean how much does Wizard Hat, we stick the sign in the window every morning, have in it’s paid media budget?

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2 hours ago, sweatshorts said:

This POS has a hundred million dollars, can make or break a pizza place, and he doesn't know the difference between pecornio and parmesan and calls cheese "the white there". Shoot me into the sun.

i think that should have been a very important moment for his fans

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