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On 1/23/2024 at 10:51 AM, Sneakeater said:

The murder of Pitchfork is also personal.

Late to the party on this, but speaking from the belly of the beast that killed Pitchfork... (AND WHICH ALSO, BTW, KILLED GOURMET FFS) Maybe if you turned off your ad blocker, Conde Nast could've kept Pitchfork going a while longer. :shrug:

But you can be pretty sure they'll do their best to keep the brand alive within GQ, as long as Pitchfork Festival continues to draw a crowd.

Edited by plattetude
errant typo!
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this is probably the first and only time i have ever heard robert sietsema speak.

”First up is Robert Sietsema. Robert is a longtime New York City restaurant critic and neighborhood wanderer who has written for the Village Voice and Eater and who, prior to that, ran the influential underground food zine Down the Hatch. We talk about the early days of food writing and what is exciting him in NYC right now. Luke Pyenson is a food and travel writer based in New York City. His work has appeared in the Boston Globe, the New York Times, and TASTE, where he recently wrote about telephone menu hotlines. We talk about his career, drumming in the band Frankie Cosmos (where Starbucks was his tour stop of choice), and his upcoming book, Taste in Music.”



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11 hours ago, Diancecht said:

this is probably the first and only time i have ever heard robert sietsema speak.


I thought this was interesting (from a different interview with Sietsema): 


MB In 2010, you wrote an essay in the Columbia Journalism Review that, among other things, traces how far the culture of dining out has come since you first moved to New York City in the late 1970s. Eating in restaurants, you point out, has gone from something most people did somewhat infrequently to becoming one of our primary forms of cultural entertainment.

RS Absolutely.

MB Of course, that’s great for a lot of reasons. But you also talk about how it’s creating a boom-and-bust cycle for restaurants, where “novelty and buzz is valued above excellence.”

RS Things have only slid downhill since 2010. About ninety percent of food writing is still publicist driven. A writer receives a press release by email and then proceeds to follow up on that story, and, in the sadder cases, almost copies the press release. It’s disappointing because food is such a broad and rich category.

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The announcement could be a reference to the existing bar at the back of Eleven Madison Park, which currently serves $26 cocktails with carrot and leek. The job listing describes Clemente Bar as “refined casual.” Servers are expected to “create memorable guest experiences,” “anticipate guests’ needs,” and “recognize regulars.” The listing mentions a dining room and a bar.


hopefully none of the cocktails will taste like lemon pledge

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At ESP HiFi (see Denver thread), I did say to the bartender (and DJ) that the price for martinis well made with Roku gin was so great ($12) and this was not a happy hour.

She asked where I was from. She explained that she was from Boston and really missed the east coast, but could afford to live in Denver. 

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