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I actually rely on the coverage in Eater San Francisco.  Not only have I read dining news there that may not have been reported elsewhere, but I probably wouldn't have otherwise heard of this great LGBTQ supper club that's given N and I lots of good times.

I've also found it useful when I'm traveling.  Got lots of great Chicago tips from the Eater maps.

Edited by StephanieL
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yes, there's a lot of crap on eater but there's also a lot of good/useful stuff. with these cuts the crap:good ratio is going to get even worse.

and priya krishna is doubtless trying hard behind the scenes to be named the permanent times restaurant critic.

bleak times for mainstream food journalism in the u.s.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/5/2024 at 12:42 PM, Wilfrid said:

"An argument to bring back liverwurst, the least popular sandwich option in New York."

Inadvertently funny?

"In my quest to buy a liverwurst sandwich, something like the ones I ate as a kid, I tried five delis in the West Village, and none seemed to have it..." Seemed to?

Robert, try your local supermarket. Believe me, it will seem to have it. It will also have bread and a raw onion if you insist. I will post instructions on assembling the sandwich later.

Second most read Eater story of 2024. Inexplicable.

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Very funny given said liverwurst caused such a listeria outbreak that they shut down the Boar's Head plant forever. 

It was also likely the world's worst liverwurst (once I picked one up instead of the similarly packaged S&W product and I thought I'd lost my sense of taste) and Sietsema's fascination with it is just weird

(It almost seems like in 2024 he'd forgotten which Deli it was that served it and went to a few of them until he found it again)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I didn't know that there were people called Schnipper involved in Schnipper's and Hale & Hearty, so I learned something, if not about the soup. I never went to Hale & Hearty because (1) the name and (2) soup, meh.

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Eater Munich is surprisingly on point. I’m just glad it’s not a popular foodie destination as the places they call out are rather small and neighborhood-y.

German children love liverwurst. I’ve developed a taste for it myself since moving here though the stuff we get is extremely high quality. 

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I don't know the business model; maybe it's working across the country in areas with less local food media. I would not be buying shares in it.

People have moved on. Which is not to sneer; we went from food forums like this one to personal food blogs to Instagram and TikTok, and things won't be static.

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