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Sky Pavilion is an unprepossessing storefront Chinese place across 42nd Street from Port Authority.

It's also one of the very best Sichuan restaurants in New York.  It needn't bow to anyplace on 39th Street or in Flushing.  In fact, I'd rate it above any of the 39th Street places.

At least when it opened last year, it had a Famous Sichuan Chef (not famous to me, of course -- I'm only going by what I read).  I don't know if he's still there.  But his effect is still there.

The cooking is amazingly precise.  If this isn't the very best frying in New York, for example, it's some of the best.  All the technical stuff is like that:  right on point.

And the menu is interesting:  not all stuff you see coming and going.  There are not one but two pig brains dishes (the spicy sizzling one is fabulous) (and you can bet I'm going back for the grilled one).

Be warned, though:  they're not shy with the peppers.  Even things you think wouldn't be that spicy are very spicy.

I think this place is sensational.

Edited by Sneakeater
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