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small h

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A friend brought me potatoes au gratin. I had meatloaf left from my lunch the other day, so I made a meatloaf sandwich to go with for supper. I like my meatloaf sandwich the way they made them at Marie Callender restaurants. With mayo, sharp cheddar and plenty of salt and pepper. Did not take a photo of the sandwich, but here are the potatoes. 

May be an image of shepherd's pie

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11 hours ago, small h said:

Stuffed artichoke. Nature's perfect food.


Yum!   One of the best dishes of my life was by Nancy Oakes (now Boulevard) when she was churning out bar food at The Mad Hatter.    Artichoke stuffed with a seafood (shrimp, scallops, mussels) stew.    Messy as hell to eat but truly heavenly tasting.   Would happily sub yours.

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seafood sukiyaki.

it’s prepared similarly to regular sukiyaki, except the seasonings are lighter since they can easily overwhelm the fish.

the liquid in the pan is a 3:1 mixture of katsuobushi dashi and usukuchi soy sauce (light-colored soy sauce) along with a few tablespoons of honmirin. bring that to a simmer, then add your vegetables and fish. the pic shows cabbage, shiitake mushrooms and negi on one plate; prawns, scallops and halibut on another; and tofu in a bowl. we were going to add some shirataki noodles but decided to omit those at the last minute.

simmer the vegetables and fish for 3 minutes, then ladle portions into individual serving bowls. dip into raw beaten egg, then eat.




Edited by Diancecht
fat fingers
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I missed cooking in the donabe, probably because the Zojirushi makes such perfect rice. 


But I had a piece of king salmon in the freezer; it got defrosted overnight and salted for the day.


Salmon and hijiki rice.  Bok choy of some variety, with ginger, garlic, oyster and soy sauces.

Edited by MitchW
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hitsumabushi (broiled eel served on top of koshihikari rice, over which is poured a broth consisting of a mixture of dashi and kobucha, then sprinkled with sesame seeds and chopped scallions). iced unsweetened green tea.

banana and peach fruit salad with pomegranate molasses for dessert.



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The last of my not-so-great homemade pasta, clearing the way for MUCH BETTER homemade pasta, now that I understand it again. With broccolini, parsley and Valley Shepherd ricotta. Plus balcony-grown Little Gem, giving me a reason to live.



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gyudon (beef simmered with onion, shirataki noodles and ginger), served over steamed koshihikari rice; miso shiru with green beans, scallions and shiso; assorted pickles (pickled cucumber, pickled eggplant with mustard); iced unsweetened tea; napa cabbage salad with sesame seeds.

hubby mentioned that shiso isn’t usually served with miso shiru. oh well, live and learn.



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