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small h

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Fagioli alla Venezia, or Venetian sweet-and-sour beans, using RG Borlotti Lamons.  It's usually a starter or side dish, but we turned it into a main dish with the addition of greens (spinach and lamb's quarters) cooked in the sweet-and-sour sauce and chicken Italian sausage from our butcher.

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6 hours ago, Sneakeater said:

You sear the tuna while it’s wrapped?  This is new to me. 

It's been so long I don't remember where I first read about this method. But it works really well.

I think it's somewhere in my New York Times recipe scrapbook, which I'm afraid to open because it's so dusty.

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Dinner last night was seared tuna dusted with La Boite's Devorah. Served with a salad of quinoa, RG christmas limas and roasted beets.

I used a a well-cured, searing hot griddle for the tuna and was pleasantly surprised to see how easily I could flip it after a minute. Thank you! This was the best I've made it.

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8 hours ago, maison rustique said:

Grilled brie and home-grown tomato.

May be an image of French toast and rye bread

Looks great. I have been on a grilled cheese kick recently. Grilled cheese, surprisingly is not (or was not) a British thing. I grew up eating open-faced cheese on toast or fancier Welsh rarebit, both of which are finished under a grill and not cooked in a pan.

Speaking of British, my grilled cheese does get a splash of Lea & Perrins, the traditional cheese on toast sauce. Probably wouldn’t use that on Brie and tomato though. 

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