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  • 2 months later...

Hamenstaschen baking has commenced. The boy has a hockey tournament this weekend so I'm bringing about 300 to feed the team, parents, coaches, etc. I'm making three base doughs - my mom's standard, gingerbread, and chocolate. Fillings will be prune and apricot lekvar, halvah, nougat, speculoos. Simon Fischer no longer makes apricot lekvar so in a first, I will make it from scratch.

Usually the boy only helps with fabrication. In a first, he made the gingerbread dough under my direction. Photos will follow.

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3 hours ago, Anthony Bonner said:

Is hockey Sabbath friendly?   I have an orthodox friend whose kid had to bail on club lacrosse because he was going to miss 80% of the games.

You have to know the right Orthodox rabbi to ask - there are a lot of logistics to deal with and in this case it works because the hotel shares a parking lot with the rink. That said, the boy is moving to a shomer shabbat team next year because he missed more than half of the games this season.

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