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Where Is It?

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Where is the "Where Is It?" topic?

In any event, last week I went looking for capers. None in my fridge. None in my pantry.  Kept looking cause I was sure i had backup, as I usually do...nope.

Bought a jar of capers in brine and a jar of salted capers from Formaggio Essex.

Last night, opened the pantry and somehow that big jar of capers had worked its way to practically falling off the shelf in the pantry just to fuck with me.

Edited by MitchW
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I ordered three new bookcases. For some reason, one came Saturday, the others on Tuesday.

First one I unpacked. All pieces present plus two little plastic bags of screws and nails. Screws for the shelves so I put the thing together. The nails are to attach the back. Where have the nails gone? I know they're here; it's not like I took them somewhere to show them the sights. They should be in this very room. Can't find them.


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  • 6 months later...

This happens all the time.

I wanted to play a CD last week.  I knew just where I'd put it.  It wasn't there.

I looked again the next day.  Not where I put it.  Not anywhere else I could see, either.

I looked again, a day or two later.  Not there.

I'm getting upset.  Looked again.  Not there.

Yesterday, I looked again, right where I knew I'd put it.  There it was, as if it had never left.

How does this happen?

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 Verticality.    I often recall the disappearing pie.  My mother had made a pie for me to take to a high school event.    I left the house, pie in hand, but my hand lost grip on the front steps and the pie disappeared.   It was not on the steps, not in the surrounding garden or walkway.   No pie.   My parents came out to help hunt.   No pie.   The next morning, in the light of day, we found the pie standing on edge, vertically, facing the porch wall.   

Since then, I have frequently lost something that hid during many searches, only to find said object snuggled up to a vertical partition in handbag, drawer, closet.  

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  • 3 months later...
53 minutes ago, MitchW said:

Maybe why they don’t sell it any more is because they’d have to sell it at $40, and realize that no one will buy it.

You're right, of course, but here's a funny story: Years ago, I was younger.* (Stop laughing @Sneakeater and @Steve R., we're not at the funny part yet.) FK in Cambridge had sourced excellent saffron at an incredibly low price. Being decent people they decided to pass on the savings to their customers. Those were the pre-Internet times so they couldn't easily broadcast their rationale. They priced it low, and nobody bought it. They jacked the price back up and it flew off the shelves.

* My youth? We entertained lavishly and indiscriminately back then. At the dinner where the FK owners told us this story we also had the now-owner of Greater Barrington's greatest cheese store, and the guy who came up with the idea of acceleration-radiation, a great lover of food (I'd been his post-doc).


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