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small h

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small h last won the day on October 23

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  1. Anyway, if anyone knows where to get this salt for, let's say, less than $15/lb, lemme know!
  2. 1. Why the jump in price? I bought my last pound maybe two years ago, and it was $7. 2. Are you trying to get me to go to Hawaii just to buy salt? Because I will.
  3. It is, and do you see the price? Formaggio Essex used to sell it for about $7/lb.
  4. I cannot find it anywhere near me. These are my results, none of them what I'm looking for: Where are you seeing it in Harlem? I am not just looking for random Hawaiian red salt. I'm looking for this particular brand.
  5. I realize this is not exactly on topic, but Formaggio Essex used to carry it, but now they "might be ordering it, sometime, not sure." Seen it anywhere? It's my favorite salt.
  6. small h


    Shocking. I would've thought its magic would burn itself into your soul.
  7. This isn't entirely genuine (the audio is dubbed in from another viral video) but that doesn't make it any less funny. dog.mp4
  8. small h


    What on earth is the point of this?
  9. Occasionally we see a bear in the yard, but we've never had any problem with them, except for the time one tore open the shed door because I hadn't done a thorough enough job cleaning fish off the grill. The closest I came to an incident was early one morning when I was standing in the driveway in my sleeping shirt, because that's the only place we have cell service and I was trying to load Spelling Bee so I could play it while I had my coffee. I turned around and spotted a bear strolling by, about twenty feet away. He spotted me at the exact same time and we had the exact same thought: "What the fuck!" Luckily, the bear ran away, because my next thoughts were "Why the fuck did I lock the car?" and "Why the fuck did I not put on shoes before I left the house?"
  10. I'm a member of a Facebook group for residents of Phoenicia, NY (I don't live there, but H & I have a cabin not far away). This morning a woman posted a somewhat panicked rant that a bear had destroyed not only her chicken coop but the electronic fence around it, and killed several of her chickens, and this is the second time it's happened, and could someone please take the rest of her flock because she and her kids can't keep going through this. Within two hours, she had 25 responses, with half offering to take the chickens and the other half pinging someone who might want them. She now has a plan to re-home the birds. It's nice to read about people stepping up and helping out.
  11. His school is probably doing those transnational surgeries we've heard so much about. You drop off an American kid in the morning, and when you go to pick him up, boom, he's Canadian.
  12. All I remember is "not a purple pantsuit." Probably jeans and a sweatshirt, if I know me.
  13. Liberace put on quite a show. I saw his last tour. I and my companion may have been the only people in the audience not wearing purple pantsuits.
  14. small h


    In Minnesota's favor I will say that Courtney Williams is a rockstar, and I would like it if she came to play for the Liberty.
  15. We're not just listing bands, we're listing bands that put on memorable shows.
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