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small h

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Everything posted by small h

  1. Thanks! I will try this.
  2. small h


    Probably should’ve gone with a green or white plate, come to think of it.
  3. Oh, no! I love him and his terrible hate-able characters.
  4. I got a pint from Toigo. They are good, not great (they smell amazing, though). Not waterlogged at all, but the Jersey Fresh ones looked pretty soggy.
  5. small h


    i'm trying to get my pasta groove back after a couple of years pretending to be low carb. It's gonna take a few more tries. I'm not suffering, or anything. The balcony is doing well so far. Sorrel and Little Gem.
  6. I had one meal at Osteria Morini, a long ago Christmas eve. It was fine. I never felt the need to return.
  7. My morning concert today (and every day) was a cat singing his "wake up and feed me breakfast" song.
  8. Unfrosted. It was funny. There were a lot of people in it that I recognized. That is all.
  9. Hey, I feed their cats. That's gotta be worth something. (Also, I got his wife's name completely wrong on their invitation, and I am MORTIFIED. We've known them almost 20 years! I should not multi-task.)
  10. small h


    My somewhat disastrous last attempt at pasta, with some red pepper sauce I made and froze a while back, and ricotta from our road trip to Valley Shepherd. I’ll just pretend it looks like this on purpose. FIrst balcony salad of the season! Little gem, and a dressing made with the tarragon, mint and dill.
  11. He's a RE agent, and it's a gift from a client. A very large gift.
  12. Neighbor: Do you drink brandy? Me: I drink pretty much anything. Neighbor: Okay, be right over. Now we have this.
  13. On the plus side, the asparagus & ramp soup I made yesterday was a Serious Eats recipe, and it came out good. So I guess just make liberal use of the "jump to recipe" click-y.
  14. Soul fries with catfish bites sound pretty good to me.
  15. small h


    Ramp and asparagus soup with yogurt. It has some nice garnishes, too, but they sank. So much for presentation! I guess I either have to make the soup really thick or make sure it's really shallow. I do not feel like doing either of these things.
  16. Another absinthe frappe. Seemed like a good day for it.
  17. We don't know each other except here, and a message board is vastly inadequate to convey sympathy, but know that every time I read one of your posts here, I take a moment to wish you peace.
  18. I have a lot of different color plates. But not enough to match everything, so sometimes I go for contrast. Just trying to keep myself entertained over here.
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