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Everything posted by paryzer

  1. paryzer

    Mr. Voyager

    My deepest condolences for your very tragic loss😭
  2. paryzer


    I remember when I first joined Mouthfuls, and highly recommended Sam's Butcher Shop (a small artisan smokehouse, that was closed on Sunday, and not really open to the public) in Moscow, PA. Barry decided, without calling, to take the long train ride to Sam's on a Sunday. He knocked on Sam's door catching him by surprise. Sam told him he was closed, and asked him where he found out about him. Barry mentioned my name, and Sam gave him some bacon and sausage that he had around the house. I always enjoyed reading Barry's posts. It seemed like he was knowledgeable in just about everything. I was fortunate to be invited to a dinner party at a former Mouthful member's house, where Barry was also invited. I was so nervous and intimidated, because I thought that such a well read person like Barry would just ignore a commoner like me. However, he couldn't have been more welcoming and down to earth. That was Barry's superpower. He could converse with a Nobel Peace prize winner or 'regular Joe' without making the regular Joe feel inferior. May you rest in peace Barry, and hopefully find your beloved wife.
  3. paryzer


    It has come to my attention, from a close source, that our beloved Sneakeater has passed away😭Apparently he has been in hospice for the last couple of months (which is why we haven't heard from him for a while). Rest in peace Barry🙏 You were one of a kind, and will be missed.
  4. For jars, I usually tap around the lid with a knife, or other utensil, leaving little dents around the lid. I am usually able to twist open the lid after that. I also use the 'hot water method'.
  5. Well, you can’t blame Stevie for that🙂 At least he tried to do something with good intentions.
  6. Stevie Van Zandt: Disciple on HBO. This was excellent. He is a real Renaissance man (musician, songwriter, activist, and actor). He was a lot more than a member of Bruce Springsteen’s E street band. I had no idea that he originally organized the South African Sun City movement, (and wrote the song), and gathered all of these amazing musicians together, which played a huge part in the release of Nelson Mandela. He also advocated for Native Americans. He was fantastic in the Sopranos, considering that he never acted before. He only took the role because he was broke. David Chase saw him presenting on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and thought that he would be perfect for The Sopranos. His real life wife played his wife on the Sopranos. Little Richard officiated at his wedding! Percy Sledge sang ‘When a man loves a woman’ at his wedding. He also produced a play on Broadway that reunited the Young Rascals. A lot of great footage.
  7. paryzer


  8. paryzer


    Mrs. P made some awesome surf and turf with a Dartagnan double cut pork chop stuffed with bacon, apples, blue cheese, garlic, and shallots, and steamed Dungeness crab. She made roasted delicata squash drizzled with hot honey as a side dish. It all went great with an excellent cabernet.
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