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voyager last won the day on September 2

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  1. Is your product not the one pictured far left, bottom row?
  2. I was practically born on the Santa Cruz boardwalk and am intimately familiar with tinkertoy-like wooden roller coasters. Me? I was queen of catching the brass ring on the carousel. And not bad in the "bumpem cars". Of course it helped to have a smashingly beautiful 9 year older sister whom all the guys wanted to impress.
  3. There is literally no amount of money that would entice me to get on the Cyclone. I have spent half a lifetime subduing panic attacks, including mastering slaloming downhill runs so as to avoid schussing.
  4. Come ride my new indoor roller coaster, only 10ยข round trip!
  5. Laugh ruefully? Okay. When husband was in hospital after his stroke and almost immobile, son and I decided to put in a chairlift on our staircase. Chose the least visually objectionable among several options. Contracted and paid 2/3 down. Was informed that since custom crafted for our curved staircase it would take 6-8 weeks. Fast forward, husband + rehap -> he is able to bounce up and down the stairs, the equipment was delivered to the local dealer and we postponed installation for over a month. Finally let them set it up today. As you might anticipate, it is butt-ugly and cost as much as a new small car. I keep telling myself that sooner or later it will be useful, and at a minimum the techs told us that, yes, it could be used as a dumb waiter, hauling up and down stairs anything less than 400 lbs per trip. Cheers.
  6. voyager


    Ay, ay, ay! The classics are indeed dead.
  7. voyager


    You created an earworm that severely impacted my night with a continuous loop of Glorious, victorious. One keg of beer for the four of us. Glory be to God that there are no more of us Cause one of us could drink it all alone.
  8. voyager


    Having no mental image but guided by @small h, @bloviatrix and @StephanieL, my take on egg noodles and cottage cheese. IMG_2651.HEIC
  9. Are you aware of covid pink eye with the more recent strain?
  10. voyager

    Maggie Smith

    I had completely forgotten this monologue which is one of my favorite pieces. Maggie Smith in Alan Bennett's "A Bed Among the Lentils". 49 brilliantly sardonic minutes.
  11. voyager

    Maggie Smith

    I can hardly believe I'm reading this from the NYT. Smith was acclaimed 50 years ago. She was knighted in 1990, for God's sake! Where were these people in the interim?
  12. I was jay-walking across insanely busy Clement Street and was vaguely aware of another person doing the same about 10 feet from me. Took a second look. Ooooops. Cop. He made eye contact, grinned broadly and told me to stay safe.
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