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StephanieL last won the day on July 22

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  1. Two possible wedding trips next year: one to Graz, Austria (grad student of N's) and one to Seattle (cousin's son).
  2. I'd listened to "Shake Hands With Your Uncle Max" many, many times before realizing that it was parodying an Irish song.
  3. Trifle-tiramisu-refrigerator cake mashup: homemade whipped cream, ladyfingers, Osborne Cream Sherry, and fresh berries.
  4. It used to be in the General Discussions section, before the Crash.
  5. If that's the case, I'd rather hear "Vienna Calling".
  6. I got N to start growing Jimmy Nardello peppers and they're finally beginning to ripen, so tonight's dinner will be fusilli with a pepper and tomato sauce. (We've already had a few simply sauteed.)
  7. How did I not realize that he was half Bengali, even with that name?
  8. Fortunately, both of N's Delta flights were only delayed by about an hour. She had built in a very long connection time, so she was still OK.
  9. What was different about these loaves vs. the ones you usually make? Longer baking time?
  10. We briefly had an outpost of Oaktown Spice Shop right near us. Now we have to drive to Oakland or head over to Menlo Park to the Penzey's store.
  11. RG recipe: beans (I used the Frijol Negro Santaneros), brown rice, sweet potatoes tossed with chili powder, olive oil, and S&P and roasted until caramelized, and a dressing/sauce made from sour cream, cilantro, S&P, green onions, and lime juice.
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