Bee Wilson is Emily Wilson's sister (which means she's also A.N. Wilson's daughter).
This shouldn't be surprising, England being England. But I sure didn't know.
You realize that Slade Alive came out before Slayed?, right? The only extant hit single left off Slade Alive was “Coz I Luv You”. ‘Mama We’re All Crazee Now” and “Gudbye to Jane”, even I think “Take Me Back Home”, still lay in the future.
You hear a lot in those choral repetitions/responses if you listen carefully.
I still can’t believe that, in “Look Through My Window”, they managed to sneak “and I will fuck somebody new” onto AM radio.
If you’re talking about song lyrics, I think you have to cut some slack for the guy who came up with not only, “it’s like trying to tell a stranger about rock and roll,” but also, “she said she’d never been in trouble, even in town.”
What always bothers me about that song is that many commentators insist on hearing a particular line as "the preacher likes the cold", and interpreting it as such, when it so clearly goes, "the preacher lights the coal".
I don't want to boast, but the Copper River King Salmon with Sorrel Sauce I made last night (mostly) in my NEW ANOVA PRECISION OVEN wasn't only one of the best things I've ever made, but one of the best things I've ever eaten.
This three-part (link is to first part, which in turn links the second part, which links the third part) profile of Duke Ellington from 1944 is, I think, astonishingly good:
The thing is, they don't though.
There are so many amateur internet product reviews, for example, where you can tell that the reviewer's only experience is with the product being reviewed and maybe one that it's replacing. How much is a review worth if the reviewer doesn't have experience with a full range of what's available? These amateur reviewers have no grounds for comparison.
Add to that people's tendency to want to justify their cash outlays (thus making them want to like whatever it is they purchased) -- as opposed to the disinterest of a professional critic who has no money on the line -- and you have what to me is a lot of useless noise.