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(I think we had a forum called Bios or something in the previous incarnation.)

Sunday is the day I will mark my 27th anniversary of being a resident of New York (the 25th demanded and got a party).

I went back to that journal from 1997 and was reading about where ate in my first month living here. My first night, as I doubtless mentioned discussing my 25th anniversary, Vince & Eddie's, a long gone Italian-American place near Lincoln Center, a short walk from me. Crab cakes, lamb shank, ginger cake.

Next day, Petaluma (closed last year), vitello tonnato and rabbit with rosemary.

And then lunch at Le Bernardin with a law firm that wanted to poach me. And eventually did.

Next day, lunch at Night Gallery Cafe. Remember that? Kind of a themed diner on the west side.

I then found the storied Michael's, again walking distance from where I was living. I did not know the back story, but I ended up eating plenty of dinners there, including business dinners. Squab, blackcurrant sauce.

After a return trip to London, a brunch at Tiffany's (I have no memory of this place): Irish breakfast.

Le Biarritz, near my apartment on West 57th: ris de veau.

There's more but that will do. I am moved that, three days into my residency, I went to see Linda Purl at the Oak Room. I met her afterwards. I had had a huge crush on her forever, since before Happy Days.  She is still with us and I'm here too.

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