lawson’s finest liquids big hazy ipa hazy dips with oranges - brewed in waitsfield, vt, 9.2% abv. one of the pitfalls of my unceasing nostalgia is sometimes the beers taste like the old beers in the wrong way. lawson’s, as we all know, is one of the progenitors of the vermont ipa, but as I was slow to learn they didn’t really make hazy beer until relatively recently.I really liked the last fruited dipa they sent down here, double sunshine with grapefruit, but what I liked about that is that it was a nice example of an older style double ipa. this is a not so great example of a newish dipa, there’s a lot of bitterness, not that much detail, and it’s pretty hot. there’s no shortage of local breweries that can do this better and so on and on and also on.