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Everything posted by MitchW

  1. Finally get up here today, cause I like to wait until a show's final week, for some inane reason.
  2. Singing meaningless songs. though a few of Lily's were actually good.
  3. Wasn’t Lily Allen doing this 20 years ago?
  4. We used to listen to a lot of John Mayall's Bluesbreakers back in high school. RIP.
  5. You mean from when cooking shows actually taught something? Indeed.
  6. Between that, and a new song from the you know who's, this is gonna be a helluva week for you.
  7. One or two; I've had the Za'atar, and a couple were mentioned in the review of Spice Brothers, the schwarma place owned by the same person (Lior Sercarz) who owns La Boîte.
  8. Like the color on those loaves!
  9. I posted the La Boîte purchase I made over on the mail order topic, but I guess he also has a tiny brick and mortar shop?
  10. Triple play salad lunch. Chicken salad, egg salad, tuna salad. Pickle spear, greenmarket tomato, Wasa rye crisps.
  11. MitchW

    Bob Newhart

    I think it’s only legendary if one was a fan of, and watched, The Bob Newhart Show.
  12. MitchW

    Happy Traum

    Artie was undoubtedly mom’s favorite.
  13. MitchW

    Happy Traum

    Folk musician. At 86. RIP. https://jormakaukonen.com/blog/2024/a-heartfelt-goodby-to-happy-traum/
  14. Yes, and a pretty good one too...Aburiya Kinnosuke. I sorta remember them doing the thing with bonito shavings, making them look as if they were alive.
  15. MitchW

    Le Veau d'Or

    I think I saw that one of our esteemed Mouthfullers may have dined there last night?
  16. Evidently, the critics who have identified as female fare much better. I can attest to only the one I dined with many times, and basically…she did not eat like a pig.
  17. Great bar, often with good, free music. And…peanuts.
  18. They may still set up around that time of year, but I don't remember or recall seeing them this year. Probably somewhere in Midwood or Borough Park.
  19. I finally found the picture this reminded me of, one I took about 15 years ago... That was taken on the corner of Division and Canal, along with... The etrog sellers. Pre Dimes Square by a decade. And so much better then.
  20. Final Cav chance is today...bring it, Manx Missile!
  21. Comparatively speaking, so far it's better and I'm hoping it's over fast. I was running 101℉ yesterday, which had almost normalized by last night; this morning it was back up to 100.7℉, but now a few hours later, I'm back in my normal range (which tends to be around 98). It's kinda weird.
  22. Indeed I have. I was hoping the great Cav might get one more, but at this point, seems unlikely. And though he may not end up with the green jersey, watching Girmay has been fun! And how crazy is it that Jonas is riding so well?! That's a pretty amazing recovery in like 3 months.
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