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Everything posted by Sneakeater

  1. I can’t tell you how many times over the last few days I momentarily thought Werner Herzog had died.
  2. No what I read is that it doesn't matter. Sure sometimes white mold is intentional, but even when not, it's the same just-wash-it-off white mold that grows on dried sausage. i mean, even in Emilia-Romagna, it didn't START OUT being intentional.
  3. No one will believe me about this, but I think it’s pretty well established that white mold on dry sausage is only to be expected, even part of the process.
  4. Sneakeater


    Wasn’t Ramro George Jetson’s dog?
  5. I mean a REAL dictionary would've had "nonet" and "motet". They're WORDS.
  6. They probably did. And it was probably retarded (oops can't say that).
  7. Yeah that's right the same night a different friend had to argue about "motet".
  8. Years ago I was playing Scrabble with some friends and whatever trumped-up dictionary they were using as an umpire didn't have "nonet". I mean like what the fuck?
  9. See I thought this was going to be a thread where we chose between kill or just poison.,
  10. Even worse, that stuff just misses the point. That’s not what this album’s about Also, the contemporary fixation on chart performance makes me want to puke.
  11. I think he might have once come out and said he does that.
  12. Sneakeater


    Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Of course the key point is that it's NOT REMOTELY A COUNTRY ALBUM so just shut up about that.
  14. I mean I'm not happy she messed with the lyric thrust of "Jolene". Although the insertion of a bridge certainly didn't hurt.
  15. Sneakeater


    This morning Eater was calling Billy Durney "the chef who put Red Hook on the map." Apparently, somebody told them.
  16. You know how good Cowboy Carter is? Beggar's Banquet good.
  17. One of the most riveting stage presences I have ever seen.
  18. (Or maybe just a different economic one.)
  19. I guess Brooklyn is in a different geoclimatic zone than Manhattan.
  20. I have ramps. God knows where they came from.
  21. Ramps aren’t usually available locally till the last week or so in April.
  22. You can’t say enough.
  23. https://www.plagiarismtoday.com/2016/06/10/time-joker-tried-copyright-fish/
  24. What's the big deal about fish milt? When they serve it in a Japanese restaurant, no one makes a stink about it. I remember one week I had cod milt in a Japanese restaurant one night and cod roe in an Italian restaurant the next. I thought I'd give birth to a cod.
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