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  1. Sneak, nothing to say really except please stick around, as long as possible. I love reading your writing and also how would I know what music to listen to or which wines to try?
  2. https://youtu.be/D3dQMEmbpdA?feature=shared 🙂
  3. This year was too dry, then too hot, then too wet, then too cold, then too dry again. I sort of gave up. The only thing that did spectacularly well this year was the tarragon.
  4. My kids aren’t interested but their babysitters have quoted it back to me. I watched it occasionally as some of my roommates were fans but it wasn’t really my humor. That said I can impress the young‘uns as I have attended a live screening (VIP no less.) A good friend was friends with one of the writers…
  5. The elite thing to do though is to send the teens to a British boarding school for a semester or so.
  6. No. Or let’s say, they are mostly for expats or people who want a bilingual school for whatever reason, or rich kids who are less academically inclined. Private colleges are also less academically selective.
  7. My kids are at a really excellent (public) gymnasium, a short bike ride away. Only criterion was making the cutoff grade which was easily done. The challenge is more about maintaining the GPA to stay in and their Abitur grade when they get out. We went for a traditional Humanities gym - the science curriculum is at least as good as the science focused gyms (they participate in Olympiad) but tend to be more demanding because Latin/Ancient Greek weeds out a lot of families. So yes basically they are reinforcing the class structure but it’s not something I’m going to be able to solve personally and certainly not through our school choice. (We did however skip the Ancient Greek option...)
  8. Not a recipe but Jefferson Amaro. Highly recommend.
  9. Congratulations on the reviews! Love that you’re serving Grawü, surprised they even have enough volume to be distributing in the US. Spent a lovely afternoon in Cermes there with a friend who knew Dominic.
  10. It would be particularly disturbing if the outrage is about “white rock” being cluelessly un-PC, rather than simply how decoupled such assertions are from reality.
  11. I'm back but now I can't move. Any way I can recover my old user name? I think the email was the one from grad school, which isn't forwarding.
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