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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2024 in all areas

  1. I guess it reduces the opportunity for that "ouch that is really a lot of steam I didn't expect and now I have a second degree burn and a smashed plate on the floor" event, but otherwise it explains, in retrospect, the amount of time Chang was spending talking about microwave ovens a couple of years back.
    3 points
  2. All went fine. They gave him extra meds and he was very calm, but very out of it.
    2 points
  3. It's on a knife-edge, but it really works. It's got roundness and depth, but not cloying. The expressed lemon peel (which I hadn't mentioned) is pretty necessary too I'd say.
    1 point
  4. and of course you can cook anything in a microwave, it just might suck a lot
    1 point
  5. i'm worried that's not going to be enough, in this case. ooh but that smile...
    1 point
  6. I thought you were gonna spare us! We were probably at the same show at Under Acme. I remember seeing some amazing shows at the old Knitting Factory on Leonard, but I don't think Alex (though I did see Lou there!).
    1 point
  7. I loved Big Star so much, and Alex Chilton was great. Only got to see him once, actually at (if I recall correctly) Under Acme.
    1 point
  8. I mean, it's good enough for David Chang and he smiled at you on the subway. That's pretty persuasive.
    1 point
  9. Yes, I hope so, too. He actually had lost 2 fillings in front teeth and the dentist said when he was replacing one, another fell out. So, he replaced 3 fillings and smoothed out a crown on a back tooth that had broken. Our dentist is wonderful. He cared for my Mom when she had dementia and he is aware of Don's condition and sensitive to my financial situation with having to pay for memory care. There was a lot he could have done--made me aware--but said he doesn't think those things are critical and can wait. And, I am meeting friends this afternoon for Happy Hour wine and pizza at a new-ish place here that I've been wanting to visit. It is rare for our little city to get an independent restaurant. We are in the land of crappy chains here.
    1 point
  10. I'm so glad. I hope it's a while 'til you have to go through this again.
    1 point
  11. So glad it went fine. Hope you can do something relaxing to ease the day's stress.
    1 point
  12. limited usefulness for things i like to cook in the microwave. good for things the kid would want to make but it gets so hot and there's so much steam i'd have to take it out of the microwave for her and dish it up. this morning, i used it to steam a whole potato nicely to be diced for hash browns. i'll see how it is with rice over the weekend.
    1 point
  13. Oh, lord. This sounds like what I go through taking the cat to the vet, times 100,000,000.
    1 point
  14. I spent half a day at the Stax museum in Memphis a few years ago, and I could've stayed for a week. Looking forward to watching this.
    1 point
  15. I bought a two piece set to try under warranty. They look nice. I even hand washed them because I was so excited, themn I totally forgot to use them to heat dinner. I also got this nifty email, as soon as, the box was delivered.
    1 point
  16. I'm generally someone who makes everything from scratch when cooking for myself or guests but the current tween demands for ramen, baked potato, broccoli and microwave mac and cheese (not the delicious from scratch baked kind) are driving me insane. I'd let them cook for themselves but they hate cooking and make a mess and are also very picky about the finished product. I like that this is a pretty one pot and mess containing system but everytime I look at the price and storage problem it will create I retreat. If it made truly good rice I could justify it since the rice cooker I desire is double the price of the the 12 piece set, but the rice cooker takes up a small amount of counter space I already don't have so where would I put a bunch of new bowls and lids. Anyone want my midcentury Limoges dessert collection?
    1 point
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