I have cancer. It isn't curable, and it may or may not be treatable (and any available treatment may or may not be worth the downsides). I'll have a lot of thinking to do.
I'm surprisingly unafraid. The prospect of not living can be less scary than the prospect of living. It can almost be a relief.
My laptop didn't even decide it wanted to die (although it was trending in that direction). I had to replace it recently when it turned out that the most recent OS it would support wouldn't support this year's TurboTax.
As I’m sure @Steve R. did as well, I first got to know Michael Cuscuna as a DJ on WABC-FM/WPLJ back in the day.
But it was the work he did co-founding and running Mosaic Records that’s his real contribution.
No what I read is that it doesn't matter. Sure sometimes white mold is intentional, but even when not, it's the same just-wash-it-off white mold that grows on dried sausage.
i mean, even in Emilia-Romagna, it didn't START OUT being intentional.
No one will believe me about this, but I think it’s pretty well established that white mold on dry sausage is only to be expected, even part of the process.
Years ago I was playing Scrabble with some friends and whatever trumped-up dictionary they were using as an umpire didn't have "nonet".
I mean like what the fuck?
Even worse, that stuff just misses the point. That’s not what this album’s about
Also, the contemporary fixation on chart performance makes me want to puke.