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maison rustique

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Everything posted by maison rustique

  1. Yes and a wonderful song she sang, too.
  2. I guess different parts of the country are on different schedules. First day of school is August 14 here--kids have been back from camp for a long time. Mind you, this is vastly different than when I went to school in this area--we started school in September and got out beginning of June. Now they start in August and get out mid-May.
  3. Goodbye to a long-time favorite.
  4. @MitchW, have you had those blends before or did you select randomly? They all sound wonderful. My nose is itching to give them a sniff.
  5. @voyager I'm so glad he has agreed to get some help. You need some rest so you can recover, too! Don't be afraid to ask for help for yourself if you need it.
  6. A friend brought me a little steak pie, veggies and slice of chocolate cherry pie from a local Irish restaurant. I'll be eating well all week.
  7. @Diancecht that cacciatore sounds wonderful!
  8. Good grief that photo came out huge. Sorry!!
  9. Took a huge step. I have had Hemingway, my starter from a dear friend who is longer with us, for a few years and have kept it going even though I haven't baked much the past few years with all the turmoil. I have a bit in the fridge on the off chance that the temp drops below 75 any time soon (ha ha) but I have dried much of it for longer term storage. I just don't see me baking much until I am through with house crap. I call it Hemingway because it was the son of my friend's starter that she grew from scratch. She called hers Kevin. Mine is Hemingway because Kevin's son also rises. Sleep well Hemingway!
  10. My sister and a couple of friends have been on my case about not eating enough. I took the bull by the horns today. Before I left to visit my husband, I went online and ordered a bacon cheeseburger rare to pick up at 3. And since I had paid for it, I knew I would not change my mind because I wasn't hungry. So I came home and of course I wasn't hungry but made myself go get it. I took it all apart so the bun wouldn't get soggy. (I do not like burgers rare but ordered that way so it could stand up to reheating.) I heated half in the air fry of my toaster oven. The burger was OK, the fries were horrible. But my stomach is not happy.
  11. Hope it is light and over quickly. It is really going around now.
  12. It has been a plentiful year for raccoon babies or raccuties, as I call them. Last evening and night, it was a steady stream of them--I think at least 5 different mamas and babes. It was incredibly hot even at night. I snapped this quickly around 10 pm as this mama was splooted out trying to cool down while her raccuties were playing and eating--2 kids shown, but I think there were 3.
  13. Another hot day with me having no appetite. Cottage cheese, tomato and some lightly crisped pepperoni.
  14. Another day that I hadn't eaten anything and really didn't feel like it. This was the easiest thing on hand. Sesame ginger dressing on the cole slaw and Aldi's Korean BBQ sauce on the egg rolls. Heated in toaster oven.
  15. Just be sure to take care of yourself. You winding up in the hospital, too, would not be a good thing.
  16. One of my favorites. Not a very happy life, but she certainly was brilliant.
  17. @voyager Positive, healing energy for your husband and bushels of strength for you both. I have family who work with brain/stroke impairments and there are miraculous recoveries. It sounds like he is on his way.
  18. I was not hungry in the least and just couldn't interest myself in making much. I found a twice baked potato in the freezer and a piece of flatbread I didn't use last night. Baked the spud in the toaster oven and smeared the bread with a little peach butter, sprinkled some crumbled bacon on and stuck in the toaster oven, too. I need to remember the peach butter and bacon combo--it was very good.
  19. I had been dreaming of a margherita pizza since I had home grown tomatoes and basil. I stopped by Aldi yesterday and picked up some flatbread and fresh mozzarella. Then when I went to make it, I discovered that my basil was too far gone. So I subbed in some jarred pesto. Worked just fine and was delicious. Nothing like home grown tomatoes.
  20. @Diancecht I don't have the specialty ingredients on hand, but my sister brought me a lot of home grown tomatoes this weekend, so I may need to fake it. Those look/sound delicious. Last night I had a pre-baked potato to use up and little bits of taco leftovers, so I topped the potato with taco beef, fresh salsa and shredded cheddar. It was filling and delicious.
  21. My sister and BIL came in from Topeka yesterday to help me with some things. We got a lot packed up, some photos taken of furniture I want to sell, etc. I've been working on this for months, but it actually looks like something is happening now. I'm tired and aching, but happy to make progress. Bonus: They brought me home-grown tomatoes. I have all the cable equipment disconnected and ready to turn in to Spectrum. I love Google Fiber!
  22. I don't watch a lot and am years behind on movies and series. I just finished The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart last night and am ready to start The Beekeeper tonight.
  23. I was stunned that there were just as many fireworks (bombs) last night as there were on the 4th. And of course, they go on until around 1 am. Where do these people get all the money they spend on these things? Don't they realize what they spent on fireworks could feed a family of 4 for a month? I can only hope this is not going to go on tonight, too.
  24. After ten July 4ths, Lucky the cat suddenly decided last night that he was terrified of fireworks. He is a big burly black cat--usually fearless. He was glued to my ankles last night. And as long as I'm in this thread I'll post this here because I don't know where else to stick it. I went to see my husband day before yesterday--he seemed to be getting sick, but as they kept saying, "the crud" was going around and he was probably getting it. Yesterday I got a call from the facility. They said he had taken yet another really good fall and asked if I would come in right away to meet with them to discuss some treatment options. So, I aborted what I was doing and headed over. When I got there, the RN on duty who had called me was in the lobby. She said he had just tested positive for COVID. Lovely. I wear a mask when I am there, but I always pull it down to give him a hello and goodbye kiss, which I'd done. So, I went in to see the Director and he said they are all very concerned about his rapid decline. He is now falling multiple times a day and getting weaker and weaker. Mentally, he is not my husband anymore. His hallucinations and delusions have completely taken over. Much of that is due to the Ativan but that keeps him from the rages, so they've kept him on it. Long story short, they suggested it was time to put him under hospice care and after discussing what that would mean for his care, I agreed. The hospice folks were there on standby. His caseworker is a woman who also has 2 of the guys that Don sits with in the dining room, so we already know her a bit. We are transferring his primary care to the hospice physician so they can better work on managing his meds. They are already taking him off the Ativan and putting him on haldol to see how that works. I'm putting this in Fear, though it is actually somewhat a relief for me. I feel more like I have someone there to give him a bit more personal attention so I can relax a bit. Especially since I do not plan to go see him until he is over the COVID and it has worked its way out of the facility. I have too much on my back to get sick. Just can't take a chance. I did take a slightly expired COVID test last night and it was negative. I'll keep checking. But I cancelled my plans to celebrate the 4th with friends and stayed home. I did not want to risk getting friends infected.
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