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small h

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In compliance with local regulations, we grilled our food on Saturday, probably the last time this season. The garden was reasonably generous, providing us with enough lettuce, carrots, cucumber and basil to make a respectable salad. I supplemented with some greenmarket produce, shrimp, halloumi cheese from Trader Joe's, and balcony-grown sage that I used on some steelhead trout from Hudson Valley Fisheries.


Et voila.


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Fried okra.


which I did not just buy based on someone else's post, but rather have had in the house since last week. With the last of the ranch dressing.

Cucumber soup with feta and avocado. The avocado is from the fruit guy outside the Citibank, and his stuff is shit, and this is the last straw: an avocado that blackened before it got any significant kind of ripe. This is literally all I could salvage from it. This fruit guy is dead to me. Mark my words.


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The balcony provides! Red Anaheim pepper, chard, sage leaves. I was gonna do something fancy, like stuff the pepper, and then I said to myself, Sylvia! you just got your hip replaced. Make an omelet. So I made an omelet. Needed more feta, and that pepper! Kapow.



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From (4 dislocations) experience, I can attest that there is one singular very specific movement, the angle of which causes dislocation.   A slow learner, it took me a while and not a few misadventures to get this.    And sadly, it isn't specifically described in the "precaution" instruction.    Much good luck!

My last one was late afternoon in Paris and the ortho specialist in ER said something to the effect, "Merde!   This is my 5th relocation today.  My shoulders are shot.   I was hoping to go home without another."   

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🤣 H has been present for all three of my reductions and seen the strapping young residents shoving my femur back where it belongs. It is a workout! He says it's a good thing I'm pumped full of ketamine and/or fentanyl and/or propofol, because it's not a pretty picture.

Sheesh, four dislocations. My second two came from pulling my knees up and flopping them over to the right, which is a comfortable way for me to sit (or it used to be). My first dislocation came from a half-split, which - since I can do a full split - seemed like a moderate choice. Guess not!

I'm so sorry you went through this so far from home. I could've easily had trouble in Lima, or worse, on the flight back. My "blessing" is that it was on my couch the night we returned.

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5 hours ago, voyager said:

From (4 dislocations) experience, I can attest that there is one singular very specific movement, the angle of which causes dislocation.   A slow learner, it took me a while and not a few misadventures to get this.    And sadly, it isn't specifically described in the "precaution" instruction.    Much good luck!

My last one was late afternoon in Paris and the ortho specialist in ER said something to the effect, "Merde!   This is my 5th relocation today.  My shoulders are shot.   I was hoping to go home without another."   

VOYAGER:  Doctor it hurts when I do this. 

DOCTOR:  Don’t do this.  

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