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small h

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I have eaten over a pound of goat stew in two sittings and it was so good. Random luck finding cuts of goat without so many little bones, this was mainly slices cut across the leg. And good decision to stew it for a very long time in a little wine.

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My Premio tomatoes are doing well this year - looks like I'll get a least a dozen if things go well. And one was ready last night!


So I put it in a salad with a couple of Sungolds. also from the balcony, and some lettuce i grew upstate. Plus cukes and red onion.


I also had a ton of herbs and a handful of beans, and I'd scored a nice piece of seabass at Tompkins Square greenmarket. Gotta get rid of some of that sage and tarragon!




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Roasted five ears of real Jersey white corn, procured earlier in the day at the greenmarket. I'd never done this in the countertop oven; came out great.


Buttered, served with a Greek salad, with greenmarket tomatoes, lettuce, cukes. Olives are hiding under it all.

Sometimes this is all we need in the heat (I did eat two ears of corn).

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