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On 1/31/2024 at 2:31 PM, Wilfrid said:

Zero Fucks Given, for the title and because Adele Exarchopoulos is rarely a waste of time (The Five Devils was great).

It is good, and although there are laughs, it's more a study of a lost soul than a comedy. Intersting choice: about a third of the dialogue is in French, no subtitles. Adele is underrated.

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TD: Night Country ep. 4.  This is the don't they know it's Christmas chapter, and the answer appears to be no, they don't.  In no particular order, we know Danvers and Navarro although having mutual respect still have their differences about the past.  Danvers has an ongoing conflict with her activist stepdaughter who hates the mining company.  Navarro's sister has disappeared from a care facility and....   Meanwhile, the bodies have thawed out and been removed by Anchorage authorities who don't have the insight of Danvers and Navarro.  The spiral logo/tattoo keeps reappearing in strange places.  Danvers sees a polar bear while driving (or does she?).  Danvers get wasted and she seems to have quite a capacity.  Some bad actor (Clark?) has apparently commandeered a generator and possibly taken it to some unstable cave where who knows what nefarious deeds have happened or are about to happen.  There's also some extraneous (?) stuff about a missing mail order bride from Russia.

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7 minutes ago, StephanieL said:

And we've only watched one episode.

We're one up on you. I'm not super into it (nor was I super into the last Feud, although I did end up watching all of it). I'd really like to see more of the glamorous heyday and less of the sordid decline. Just for balance.

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Monsieur Spade E3 & E4.  The Frenchification of the story continues.  Spade delivers some snappy patter.  Cara Bossum has matured and is after any man in pants despite her youth.  The dreaded Pierre has made off with the Algerian boy (Zayd) to everyone's dismay. Murders occur, but will they be solved?

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TD: Night Country E5.  Since there is only one more episode truths or suspected truths and motives are being revealed.  Some are willing to do the mining company's dirty work, including murder. Thus far they have been thwarted.  Next week we go under the ice with Danvers and Navarro and see if we can get to the bottom of things and if they can survive.

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Monsieur Spade E5.  This chapter is filled with copious exposition.  We learn that the girl Spade brought with him to France may actually be his offspring with an altered birth certificate.  Or is she?  We learn that the reason various factions from different countries want to get their hands on the young boy is that he is a savant of coding and decoding which could be helpful in wartime.  Or is he?  Sort of analogous to all the folks trying to get their hands on the falcon.  Meanwhile the boy remains in the clutches of the dreaded Philippe who seems bent on selling him to the highest bidder.  Thus far, Alfre Woodard has yet to appear.  So her last opportunity is the next episode or she'll be left on the cutting room floor.

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The Taste of Things was very good. Go see it. The story is what it is - involving, albeit not terribly surprising. But the cinematography and the lighting are stellar, and if you're scarred by The Bear's terrifying high anxiety cooking scenes, this is a useful corrective. So leisurely! So joyous! It's about a bunch of people who know a lot about food and wine but don't need to earn any money. Wait, this sounds oddly familiar.

Edited by small h
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TD: Night Country, E6.  In this longer than usual final chapter we learn that Danvers and Navarro haven't been asking the right questions.  The answers to those questions include pollution, corruption, rough justice and the police code of silence.  Are these satisfactory answers?  Well, that's on you.  And you get to hear Billie Eilish sing the theme one more time.

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